Designer's choice of tulip bouquet. If you want a specific color of tulip, please leave special insturctions. It might take couple days to get inventory due to it being not in season.
As these are all original hand crafted bouquets, photos are for the purpose of size and scale and will not be an exact representation of what your beautiful bouquet will look like.
Tulip Bouquet
C$80.00 Regular Price
C$64.00Sale Price
- Clean your vase thoroughly.
- Fill the vase two-thirds with fresh, lukewarm water and add your flower food.
- Remove any foliage that will sit below the waterline to avoid build-up of debris.
- Trim about 2-3cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle.
- Change the water regularly after the second day.
In Calgary shipping is an additional $15.